Some examples of the applications I coded during the training:

(click on the different languages to display the applications)

Tic tac toe game and Hangman game

Language: C#

Tool: Visual Studio Desktop 2013

Goal: discover the basic concepts of programmation.

Blackjack (dice version) and Chess game

Language: C#

Tools: Visual Studio Desktop 2013

Goal: learn object oriented programmation.

Blackjack (cards version) and "More or less" game

Langage: PHP

Tools: NetBeans 8, XAMPP

Goal: apply the object oriented programmation concepts to another server-side language.

Mario and Memory Game

Languages: Javascript, Ajax

Tool: NetBeans 8

Goal: programming applications with a client-side language.

Elevator and tasks manager

Language: Java

Tool: NetBeans 8

Goal: making a link with the other server-side languages previously seen.


Languages: C#, SQL

Tools: Visual Studio Web 2013, SQL Server Management Studio, GitHub

Functionalities: presentation page, login as a member, list of doctors, list of patients, taking an appointment (use of Google Calendar API), emergency management (use of Google Maps API)

Goal: Make a UML analysis, then implement the database and graphic interface working with the ASP MVC framework.

Adopte Une Dev

Languages: C#, SQL

Tools: Visual Studio Web 2013, SQL Server Management Studio, GitHub

Functionalities: presentation page, developers details, commenting option, list of developers by language, adding a developer to the basket and calculation of total.

Goal: Setting a humorous e-shop working with the ASP MVC framework.

This website was made with HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, JQuery and PHP.